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Post install

First Boot


  1. Reset default passwords
  2. Change hostname
  3. Initialize package manager
  4. Upgrade the system
  5. Reboot


  1. Login as default user

    ssh alarm@alarmpi

  2. SU as root

    su -

  3. Change password for root & default user

    passwd root passwd alarm

  4. Change hostname

    hostnamectl hostname new_hostname

  5. Init keys

    pacman-key --init pacman-key --populate archlinuxarm

  6. Update the system

    pacman -Syu --noconfirm

  7. Reboot


Second boot


  1. Add new groups
  2. Add new users
  3. Install critical software
  4. Add user/s to sudoer
  5. Setup AUR
  6. Configure Pi


  1. Add Groups
  2. Add system groups
    1. groupadd -r docker
    2. groupadd -r ansible
  3. Add regular groups
    1. groupadd pi
    2. groupadd username
  4. Add new users
  5. useradd -m -g pi -G wheel,users,docker pi
  6. useradd -m -g ansible -G wheel,users,docker ansible
  7. useradd -m -g username -G wheel,users username
  8. Change shells if needed/desired
    1. usermod --shell /bin/bash username
  9. Install software

    pacman -S –noconfirm sudo vim base-devel git go

  10. Add default user to sudoer

    echo “alarm ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL” >/etc/sudoers.d/000-users

  11. Add any additional users to sudoer
  12. Setup AUR as non-root user

  13. Exit root and return to regular user

  14. Install Yay

    rm -rf /tmp/yay-bin

    git clone /tmp/yay-bin

    cd /tmp/yay-bin

    makepkg -si

  15. Install packages (Replaces previously installed vi package)

    yay -S --noconfirm vi-vim-symlink usbutils lshw


    • ansible
    • docker docker-compose
    • hwinfo
  16. Configure Pi

  17. Install some useful packages > yay -S --noconfirm raspi-config-git i2c-tools lm_sensors
  18. Use raspi-config to adjust pi
    1. Locale
    2. Timezone
    3. Interfacing
    4. SPI
    5. I2C
    6. Advance
    7. Expand Filesystem
    8. Memory Split = 16
  19. Configure Bash
  20. Install a few tools/utilities > yay -S --noconfirm find-the-command fzf fastfetch
  21. Add stuff to bash_profile > vi ~/.bash_profile fastfetch source /usr/share/doc/find-the-command/ftc.bash

How To


yay -S --noconfirm docker docker-compose
sudo systemctl enable –now docker


yay -S --noconfirm grafana-bin
sudo systemctl enable --now grafana

Prometheus Exporters


yay -S --noconfirm prometheus prometheus-node-exporter
sudo systemctl enable --now prometheus prometheus-node-exporter

Additional Exporters

yay -S --noconfirm prometheus-blackbox-exporter
sudo systemctl enable --now prometheus-blackbox-exporter
yay -S --noconfirm prometheus-speedtest-exporter
yay -S --noconfirm prometheus-ping-exporter
sudo systemctl enable --now prometheus-ping-exporter

Enable Admin


Disable package compression

sudo vi /etc/makepkg.conf

Change PKGEXT to just tar without compressing package.


Additional packages

yay -S --noconfirm pacman-updatedb-hook